Understanding the ecological significance of fisheries-dolphin interactions along the Sindhudurg coast in Maharashtra, India. (Old ID 26602)

Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life



I aim to study the ecological significance of interactions between coastal fisheries and Indian Ocean humpback dolphins (Sousa plumbea) along the Sindhudurg coast of Maharashtra, India. I will use a multi-methods approach to record dolphin foraging behaviour and fisher perceptions towards their operational interactions with dolphins. This study will provide key insights on dolphin foraging strategies, space-use and the impact of dolphin interactions on the socio-economics of coastal fisheries to inform a holistic and inclusive conservation management strategy for S. plumbea. This project will be the first in India, to understand how dolphins survive and adapt to a fishery-dominated landscape.


01 Sep 2020 - 22 Jan 2023

Project Type



Indian Ocean Humpback dolphins;operational interactions;lmarine mammal ecology;Human Dimensions;coastal ecology;small scale fisheries;Sousa plumbea

Funding Body

Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life



Project Team

Amy Diedrich;Dipani Sutaria;Helene Marsh