ARC Research Hub for Supercharging Tropical Aquaculture Through Genetic Solutions (Old ID 27374)
Chief Investigator
This project aims to integrate cutting edge genetic and genomic approaches into innovative aquaculture enterprises that farm in tropical northern Australia. It will deliver the requisite genetic knowledge to instigate world-leading and highly productive breeding programs for five species (barramundi, pearl oyster, prawn, grouper and marine seaweed), along with a novel understanding of the genetic basis of disease resistance and how the production environment interfaces with the bacterial microbiome, pathogens and water quality to cause disease. It will increase Australia's capacity to deliver advanced genetics outcomes to the aquaculture sector, while increasing productivity, international competitiveness, and lowered risk due to disease.
09 Sep 2021 - 31 Dec 2025
Project Type
Selective Breeding;Genomics;Aquaculture
Funding Body
THE COMPANY ONE PTY LTD, Australian Genome Research Facility, Australian Research Council (ARC), Cygnet Bay Pearls PL, Mainstream Aquaculture, Sea Forest Pty Ltd
Project Team
Rocky De Nys;Kyall Zenger;Ronald White;Ira Cooke;Leo Nankervis;Carla Ewels;Jan Strugnell;David Bourne;Ludwig Lopata;Kelly Condon;Mostafa Rahimi Azghadi;Chaoshu Zeng