RRAP ENG-01 Stakeholder and Traditional Owner Engagement Subprogram, Social Licence and Impact Monitoring sub-project (Old ID 27218)
The Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program (RRAP) is the world’s largest effort to help a significant ecosystem survive climate change. This cross-institutional program draws together experts from a variety of disciplines and focusses on the design and implementation of effective technologies and strategies to intervene in and restore the resilience of the Reef under climate change. RRAP’s Stakeholder and Traditional Owner Engagement Sub-Program aims to ensure that technologies and management options developed under the program are socially and culturally responsible, and that their use is acceptable to stakeholders, Traditional Owners, managers, communities and the public. The Sub-Program is divided in three sub-projects: (i) Social licence and impact monitoring (ii) Best-practice engagement; and (iii) Adaptive governance and learning. JCU leads the Social Licence and Impact Monitoring (SLM) sub-project, which will see researchers engaging directly with stakeholder groups, Traditional Owners, communities and the Australian public more broadly to collect qualitative and quantitative data to support research outcomes across the RRAP Program.
01 Oct 2020 - 30 Jun 2025
Project Type
climate adaptation;stateholder engagement;environmental knowledges;Resilience;indigenous engagement;Great Barrier Reef
Funding Body
University of Queensland, CSIRO, Great Barrier Reef Foundation, QUT Faculty Research Support
Project Team
Nathan Cook;Gillian Paxton;Victoria Graham;Lokes Brooksbank