Conservation genomics of the Critically endangered Kuranda Treefrog (Old ID 27603)
Chief Investigator
This project aims to assess the conservation status of the Critically Endangered Kuranda Treefrog using a population genomics approach. The last sampling for this declining and localised species took place more than 10 years ago, and continuing declines have been detected in the field. It is unclear whether the population is retaining genetic diversity despite the small and declining population size or whether it is rapidly losing genetic diversity. Resolving this will be crucial for the management of this species. In this project I aim to assess genetic diversity, connectivity and population size of this Critically Endangered species using population genomics.
01 Aug 2022 - 31 Dec 2023
Project Type
Litoria myola (Pelodryadidae);Critically Endangered;Management;Conservation;Genomics;Kuranda Treefrog
Funding Body
Skyrail Rainforest Foundation
Project Team
Conrad Hoskin;Megan Higgie