Traditional Knowledge about Climate and Food Security in Kwaio, Malaita, Solomon Islands (Old ID 27270)

Palladium Pty Ltd

Chief Investigator


This project will be implemented in conjunction with Baru Conservation Alliance in Malaita, Solomon Islands. Traditional Knowledge and experience of weather, the seasonal interaction of plants, animals and people will be explored and documented. The use of tradiitional 'disaster food' after natural disasters will also be documented. The local scale production of flour from locally grown fuits and vegetables will be piloted; usage and spoilage monitored, and dishes made from flour trialled for acceptability and feasibility with Kwaio tribal groups. The project links food security, health and ecological sustainability to inform local level disaster and climate resilience measures in Malaita, Solomon Islands.


08 Jun 2021 - 30 Apr 2022

Project Type



Solomon Islands;Baru Conservation Alliance;Climate Resilience;Food Security;Disaster Preparedness;Traditional Knowledge

Funding Body

Palladium Pty Ltd



Project Team

Darren Crayn;Karen Cheer;Michelle Redman-MacLaren;Colin MacGregor