Improving water quality for the Great Barrier Reef and wetlands by better managing irrigation in the sugarcane farming system (Old ID 23136)

Department of the Environment and Energy

Chief Investigator


This project will work in partnership with industry, extension, NRM, research and government organisations to develop and deploy an irrigation system that is automatically controlled by remotely accessing feedback from the IrrigWeb decision support tool. Irrigweb provides optimal irrigation schedules on a paddock-by-paddock basis by linking information abut climate, soils and management regimes. If new water quality targets as specified in the revised Burdekin Water Quality Improvement Plan are to by met by 2025, it will be critical to establish pathways that enable industry partners to capitalise on new technologies.


01 Jan 2017 - 01 Apr 2020

Project Type



Irrigation;Water Quality;Great Barrier Reef

Funding Body

Department of the Environment and Energy



Project Team

Wei Xiang;Bronson Philippa