Caregiver Burden in the Torres Strait - are we asking the right questions? (Old ID 27480)

Tropical Australian Academic Health Centre Limited

Chief Investigator


The proposed project will investigate the best way to assess carer burden in the Torres Strait. Research suggests that current approaches to assessing carer burden may not accurately capture the Indigenous perspective of caregiver wellbeing. Yarning circles will be used to investigate carer experience in the Torres Strait. Yarning circles will focus on key issues such as the experience of burden, barriers to accessing support and providing care, and the health service response to carer issues. Findings will guide the development of a culturally appropriate framework for the assessment of carer burden, and provision of supports and tailored interventions.


27 Apr 2022 - 27 Apr 2024

Project Type



Caregiver;Torres Strait Islander people;Indigenous Ageing

Funding Body

Tropical Australian Academic Health Centre Limited



Project Team

Rachel Quigley;Edward Strivens;Sarah Russell