Defining and predicting Healthy Ageing in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Populations (HATS) (Old ID 26597)
There is no current model of healthy ageing in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island populations. Although there are many similarities to health related quality of life, there remain fundamental differences to the domains and uses for a model of healthy ageing. In response to worldwide population ageing, the World Health Organisation (WHO) recently released a blueprint for Ageing and Health (2015). This document has produced a framework that may be applied to all populations. This blueprint has adopted a life course approach to health determinants and proposed a broad based intrinsic capacity of individuals that interactions with the environment and society. This framework will need to be strengthened with specific cultural and aspects for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island populations. We will apply this approach to our previously studied populations for older Aboriginal and Torres Strait peoples to define healthy ageing. These studies include both longitudinal and cross-sectional studies. Using our previously studied cohorts from the last 15 years, we will then deer
01 Jul 2019 - 31 May 2025
Project Type
Healthy Ageing;Indigenous Health;Dementia
Funding Body
National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)
Project Team
Rachel Quigley;Sarah Russell