Conserving riverine elasmobranchs in Borneo, focusing on threatened river sharks (Glyphis sp.) (Old ID 27129)
Chief Investigator
By 2050 the capital of Indonesia will be relocated to East Kalimantan, Borneo, increasing human population density and pressures on Borneo’s river environments through small-scale fishing and commercial developments. In March 2020, we obtained evidence of what is likely an undescribed Glyphis species persisting in southern Borneo. Additionally, there are four poorly known endangered ray species in freshwaters of Borneo’s rivers. In collaboration with Hasanuddin University, this projects aims to survey major river systems in East, North, and West Kalimantan to locate and taxonomically describe the southern Borneo Glyphis species, and fill knowledge gaps on the distribution and status of Borneo’s freshwater rays.
01 Jun 2021 - 30 May 2025
Project Type
River sharks;Conservation;Riverine;Fisheries;Borneo;Livelihoods;Glyphis sp., Carcharhinidae
Funding Body
Save Our Seas Foundation
Project Team
Naomi Gardiner;Michael Grant