Development of multi-layered scaffolds to promote bone healing responses in non-union fractures

Far North Queensland Hospital Foundation

Chief Investigator


In 2022 FNQ had an estimated 18,000 people living with osteoporosis with on the rise. Sufferers are susceptible to complex or large bone fractures which take longer to heal or result in a non-union fracture. Bioactive ceramic structures can promote bone healing responses but, currently, these lack the required mechanical strength. We have used 3D printing to create multi-layered structures that contain the required mechanical strength but their ability to promote the correct healing response needs to be assessed. Information from this project can be used to create new treatment alternatives for those at risk of non-healing fractures.


01 Feb 2024 - 30 Nov 2024

Project Type



bone-tissue engineering;bioceramics;multi-layered scaffolds;osseotintegration

Funding Body

Far North Queensland Hospital Foundation



Project Team

Elsa Antunes;Kate Miller