Examining playing performance in Rugby Union via static and dynamic approaches (Old ID 26769)

Rugby Australia Ltd

Chief Investigator


Innovative technology within elite sport has provided high performance staff with an abundance of player and team performance metrics – ‘big rugby data’. Despite the availability of this information, the crucial keys to match success in rugby union remain unknown, possibly due to the complexity of match play. This project will evaluate the complexity of elite rugby union matches by examining teams’ performance via novel sport analytics considering static and dynamic approaches. Outcomes will identify the keys to success from a micro to macro level and assist coaching staff to optimise strategies for enhanced success within rugby union.


01 Mar 2020 - 31 Dec 2022

Project Type



Athletes;Sports & Exercise;Analysis

Funding Body

Rugby Australia Ltd



Project Team

Mikaela Callinan;Anthony Leicht;Jonathan Connor;Miguel Gomez Ruano