Genetic ‘health’ assessments and a decision-making framework for some of Australia’s most endangered frogs and reptiles (Old ID 27665)

Ecological Society of Australia

Chief Investigator


According to expert assessment, more than half of Australia’s endangered and critically endangered frogs and reptiles are endemic to Queensland and at risk from imminent extinction. A major threat to threatened species like this is a loss of genetic diversity which leads to inbreeding depression, inability to adapt, and heightened extinction risk. This project aims to provide essential genetic assessment of five severely threatened study systems: Oedura lineata, Nangura spinosa, Litoria lorica, Phyllurus geckoes, and Cophixalus frogs. These species represent a range of threats and genetic scenarios. Through discussions with managers, results will be synthesised into a broader conservation framework.


01 Jul 2022 - 01 Dec 2023

Project Type



Conservation genomics;Conservation Management;Extinction;Frogs;Reptiles;Queensland

Funding Body

Ecological Society of Australia



Project Team

Conrad Hoskin;Megan Higgie