The future of urban roosts of the Spectacled Flying-fox in North Queensland (Old ID 27817)
Chief Investigator
In partnership with Cairns Council and Bat & Tree Society, I have collected data on bat temperatures and microclimate at 20 urban roosts, including the two remnant forests. I have undertaken field surveys of vegetation structure, but these methods may not accurately estimate the top down perspective of canopy organisms. Hence, the next step is to estimate the three dimensional space of bat roosts. Using terrestrial laser scanning (TLS), I will quantify the volume of vegetation at different heights and correlate with microclimate conditions in order to rank the thermal insulation of roost sites to protect bats during heatwaves.
11 Oct 2022 - 11 Oct 2023
Project Type
Spectacled Flying-fox (Pteropodidae);Roost preference;Microclimate
Funding Body
Skyrail Rainforest Foundation
Project Team
Susan Laurance;Denise Doolan