Reef Rescue marine Monitoring Program - Assessment of Terrestrial Run-off entering the Reef. (Old ID 19255)

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority

Chief Investigator


The Reef Rescue Marine Monitoring Program (MMP) is a key component in the assessment of long-term improvements in inshore water quality and marine ecosystem health that are expected to occur with the adoption of improved land management practices. The Program monitors the long-term health of key marine ecosystems and the condition of water quality in the inshore Reef lagoon. Data from the MMP is combined with monitoring data collected at the paddock and catchment scales to produce a summary of the health of the Reef and its catchments.


02 Mar 2011 - 01 Jun 2026

Project Type



Water Quality;Great Barrier Reef;Pesticide Runoff;Marine ecosystems;Farm runoff

Funding Body

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority



Project Team

Dieter Tracey;Caroline Petus;Stephen Lewis