Principal Investigator
This project contributes to the team’s research program relating to historical memory and digital mapping. Stevenson and Brennan have complementary strengths and seek to build their collaborative capacity towards a future ARC DP application. Stevenson is a feminist historian of social movements with prior experience in the digital humanities through The Suffrage Postcard Project, a digital archive of transatlantic suffrage postcards from the 1910s. As a PI on a current ARC Discovery Project about the history of archiving social movements, she is working on historical memory and digital archiving. Brennan is an environmental historian, specialising in European exploration and digital history. Brennan’s work on the Coral Discovery Project involves digitally mapping all the European scientific voyages to the Pacific between 1768 and 1834. This new research project builds on their co-authored journal article (Minor Revisions) under consideration with a Radical History Review Special Edition: “Memory Over Forgetting: Monuments, Memorials and Intangible Heritage.” The team’s new project aligns directly with the Centre for Heritage and Culture theme of “storied landscapes.” Digitally mapping colonial commemorative sites strengthens the CHC’s strategic research about storied landscapes. The team’s previous map of Cook monuments revealed that Captain Cook has become an indelible figure in Australia’s commemorative landscape with little connection between sites of historical significance and commemorative infrastructure. This method of digital historical inquiry enables the team to uncover, interpret, and translate the past to create new stories about the history and legacy of colonial figures. Digital mapping will allow the team to clearly tease out the tensions between historical knowledge and historical memory across these storied landscapes.
11 Aug 2024 - 03 Dec 2024
Project Type
australian history;digital humanities;statue wars
Funding Body
University of Southern Queensland
Project Team
Claire Brennan