Reliability and validity of salivary cortisol levels of healthy adults measured using a point of collection analysis method (POCSS)

James Cook University

Chief Investigator


This research will test out the reliability and validity of IPRO©, a collection and analysis method for human saliva. This method calculates how much of the hormone known as cortisol is present in saliva, and this is one of several indicators of how much stress a person is experiencing. IPRO© is a ‘point of collection’ method, meaning that collection and analysis can be conducted in places where this sort of testing has not traditionally been possible. By comparing the IPRO© method to a traditional laboratory-based saliva analysis method we hope to find out if this ‘point of collection’ method is valuable for future research and clinical use.


01 Apr 2024 - 01 Aug 2025

Project Type



Validity;reliability;point of collection;saliva;cortisol

Funding Body

James Cook University



Project Team

Dr Carol Flavell;Associate Professor Anne Jones;Associate Professor Donna Rudd;Dr Michael Crowe;Ms Gitte Nielsen;Mrs Rachel Pappas;Ms Avani Ajayan