Marine mega-fauna DNA testing in Cleveland Bay

Port of Townsville Ltd

Principal Investigator


The seagrass meadows in Townsville harbor are well established foraging grounds for a large herd of dugong and a high number of green sea turtles (marine mega-herbivores). These foraging grounds have maintained a healthy and resilient meadow after quickly bouncing back from large loss after tropical cyclone Yasi and have provided vital foraging grounds for the endangered and vulnerable marine mega-herbivores. Healthy seagrass meadows are also home to many different benthic macro fauna (such as sea cucumbers, ascidians, sponges, etc). Previous port funded seagrass surveys have found the seagrass meadows in Townsville harbor contain a wide range of benthic macro fauna. When marine mega-herbivores forage in seagrass meadows, they are known to incidentally consume benthic macro fauna. However, it is unknown at what extent this incidental consumption occurs, and how important this fauna is to their diet. This project will determine which benthic macro fauna are present in the faeces of marine mega-herbivores using two different DNA methods: eDNA water filtration and laboratory-based DNA extraction. The DNA results will be compared with results of the presence of marine benthic macro fauna from an already scheduled port funded ariel seagrass survey (May and November 2024). Determining which benthic macro fauna are present in dugong and green turtle diets in relation to what is present in the foraging meadow, will enable a greater understanding the role these benthic macro fauna play in the health and resilience of seagrass meadows. This project will enable a greater understanding of the complex interactions marine mega-herbivores have with their main food source (seagrass), and the role macro benthic fauna play with the value seagrass meadows provide. This information can help to inform whether a seagrass meadow is functioning to its full potential, based on the importance of macro benthic fauna to the diet and health of marine mega-herbivores.


07 Aug 2024 - 06 Aug 2025

Project Type



dugong;sea turtle;seagrass;benthic fauna;eDNA

Funding Body

Port of Townsville Ltd



Project Team

Skye McKenna;Samantha Tol