NESP 4.11: Scaling-up long-term seagrass restoration in the Cocos (Keeling) Islands

Department of Climate Change, Environment, Energy and Water (DCCEEW), James Cook University

Principal Investigator


There is an urgent community-driven need to develop appropriate seagrass restoration approaches at scale for the Cocos (Keeling) Islands (CKI). Fast-tracking larger-scale restoration research is required to prevent imminent collapse and functional extinction of seagrasses at CKI due to past disturbance and current green turtle grazing pressure. This project builds on pilot studies to design and establish a network of larger-scale turtle exclusion areas where locally appropriate restoration approaches can be refined. At the same time, this will provide “seagrass refuges” to initiate recovery, monitor ecological effects, and provide for future restoration efforts. The project has been co-developed with the CKI community and Parks Australia, addressing their highest research priority identified in the newly established Cocos (Keeling) Islands Marine Park. The project will provide an action plan for ongoing interventions and strategies to future-proof local seagrasses and support seagrass-dependent species, such as green turtles and fish, in the long term.


05 Feb 2024 - 04 Jan 2027

Project Type



seagrass;restoration;Cocos Keeling Islands

Funding Body

Department of Climate Change, Environment, Energy and Water (DCCEEW), James Cook University



Project Team

Paul York