Coral Sea Conservation – Mapping Fish Nurseries and Biodiversity Hotspots (Old ID 31184)

Department of Climate Change, Environment, Energy and Water (DCCEEW)

Principal Investigator


This project will locate fish nursery grounds and identify fish biodiversity, density, and life cycle habitat use in the reef lagoons in the Coral Sea Marine Park. This project will provide information that aligns with the national Australian Marine Park science priorities to assist with marine management plans and protection of marine park values and will help inform the 10-yearly statutory plan review. This project will provide information which will be useful for the development of management solutions to help enhance the health, ecological resilience, and sustainable economic use of the Coral Sea Marine Park.


21 May 2024 - 30 Sep 2026

Project Type



Coral Sea Marine Park;Tropical reef fish;Fish Nursery;Fish biodiversity;Fish Habitat

Funding Body

Department of Climate Change, Environment, Energy and Water (DCCEEW)



Project Team

Tim Smith