NESP 4.12: Mitigating the impacts of extreme weather events on spectacled flying-foxes
Principal Investigator
Spectacled flying-foxes (SFFs) were listed as Endangered in 2019, following an extreme heatwave in 2018 that resulted in the death of approximately one-third of the population. The mass mortality of Australian flying-foxes at roosts during heatwaves has been well documented, with future extreme heat events considered the greatest threat to their survival. This project aims to improve our understanding of the local thermal environments of SFF roosts across their range, which is a critical aspect of their sensitivity to the increasing risks imposed by climate change. By doing so, this project will improve species management through the provision of tools to mitigate the devastating impacts of future extreme heatwaves and advise managers on effective interventions. This project addresses national priorities by providing adaptive solutions to support the recovery of a threatened species and in developing capacity to help reverse the decline in Australia’s natural environment.
01 Apr 2024 - 31 Mar 2027
Project Type
predicting extreme weather events;Flying foxes
Funding Body
Department of Climate Change, Environment, Energy and Water (DCCEEW), James Cook University
Project Team
Andrew Krockenberger