NESP 4.5: Restoration by design: improving biodiversity outcomes from Australia’s restoration investments
Principal Investigator
Biodiversity monitoring of restoration projects. It will achieve this by undertaking 3 linked activities. · Activity 1: stakeholder workshop · Activity 2: examining methods used for restoration monitoring and evaluation · Activity 3: evaluating biodiversity outcomes of key restoration projects. This research is foundational for enhancing biodiversity recovery, strengthening restoration program delivery, encouraging informed restoration investments, and meeting national environmental standards. It directly addresses knowledge gaps around restoration identified in the Australia State of the Environment 2021 report and current national priorities for biodiversity conservation and restoration. Note that this project is Phase 2 of the ‘Restoration by design’ project. Phase 1 is a small project currently underway (4.5 Phase 1: September 2023 – June 2024) which includes running a co-design workshop (planned for the first quarter of 2024) with a subset of stakeholders identified in this proposal. Project 4.5 Phase 1 is key to Project 4.5 Phase 2 of this project, as it is the formal start of the complex and time-consuming process of identification and consultation with stakeholders. Project 4.5 Phase 2 also aims to begin development of the program logic required for key parts of the project more broadly – specifically, the inclusion/exclusion criteria of restoration monitoring methods (there are many) and the inclusion/exclusion criteria for case studies to include in our detailed analysis here (again, there are many).
01 Jul 2024 - 30 Jun 2027
Project Type
Funding Body
Department of Climate Change, Environment, Energy and Water (DCCEEW), James Cook University
Project Team