Improving Environmental Outcomes on Conserved and Managed Lands (Old ID 31153)
Principal Investigator
This project will review private-land conservation programs against the draft Australian OECM framework criteria to indicate the types of programs that are likely to qualify. Based on this review, programs that are near OECM standard but that fall short on key criteria, such as actively managing for biodiversity outcomes, will be considered for place-based research. Within programs, the research will design and deploy interventions to support landholders to manage their land consistent with OECM criteria and track the outcomes of this management over time to demonstrate enduring biodiversity outcomes. The research will demonstrate if the hypothesised benefits to both biodiversity and participants of these programs (e.g. increased nature connectedness) hold true. If our findings are positive, we expect these interventions could be added to private-land conservation programs in other jurisdictions.
01 Oct 2023 - 31 Dec 2026
Project Type
Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework;UN Convention on Biological Diversity;Conserved lands;Managed lands;30% by 2030 targets;Area-based conservation measures
Funding Body
National Environmental Science Program (NESP) Resilient Landscapes Hub
Project Team