Novel biologics for pediatric inflammatory bowel disease and necrotising enterocolitis, inspired by host-parasite co-evolution. (Old ID 27128)

Childrens Hospital Foundation

Principal Investigator


Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) pose a major health burden with severe symptoms, and IBD onset in childhood is on the rise. Necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) is another inflammatory bowel condition that affects preterm infants, and in which inflamed parts of the gut die. Current treatment methods are insufficient. Intestinal parasites have developed strategies to modulate our immune responses through secreted proteins. We identified seven helminth-secreted proteins that suppress gut inflammation. We now would like to assess which of our preselected proteins are best in the context of early life IBD and NEC.


01 Feb 2021 - 31 Aug 2022

Project Type



IBD;Pediatric IBD;T Cells;Helminth therapy;Immunology;Necrotising enterocolitis

Funding Body

Childrens Hospital Foundation



Project Team

Paul Giacomin;Alex Loukas