Quantifying the acute physical, cognitive and physiological responses of various training modalities in Australian Soldiers (Old ID 26736)

Australian Army

Principal Investigator


The project sets out to answer the following research question: What is the degree of stress, fatigue and recovery experienced by Australian Soldiers after bouts of occupationally specific physical activities? To answer this question, the project will develop an evidence-based assessment protocol to assess levels of fatigue and stress in Soldiers after bouts of occupationally related strenuous activities across various periods of employment. This will inform the chain of command on appropriate recovery times for different modalities of training, ensuring that soldiers remain combat-ready throughout their training cycles and minimise symptoms overtraining.


05 Feb 2020 - 31 Dec 2025

Project Type



Sport Science;Military;Injury Prevention;Tactical Athlete;Army

Funding Body

Australian Army



Project Team

Wade Sinclair;Anthony Leicht;Kenji Doma