NESP 3.10 – A partnership approach to filling key knowledge gaps on dugongs in northern Australia using novel technologies (Old ID 28964)
Principal Investigator
In Australia, the dugong is protected under the EPBC Act 1999 as a listed migratory, and listed marine species, it is also a Matter of National Environmental Significance. The dugong is culturally significant to the coastal Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of northern Australia and has a high biodiversity value. This project includes five activities that will contribute to addressing key knowledge gaps about the spatial and temporal patterns in the distribution, abundance, connectivity and health of dugong populations. The project is designed to inform management in several regions of high value habitat across northern Australia. Transversal to the activities described below is a strong partnership approach with Traditional Owners and members of the wider community. The project will be co-designed, co-produced and will co-deliver research and monitoring outputs. The studies will utilise and advance emerging technologies (e.g., aerial images collected from planes and drones, Artificial Intelligence, population genomics) with the ultimate goal of enhancing data quality, reducing research and monitoring costs, and increasing accessibility of monitoring tools to non-experts.
01 Jan 2023 - 06 Feb 2026
Project Type
Dugong (Dugong dugon);Aerial surveys;Conservation and management;Drones;Indigenous engagement;Genetics
Funding Body
Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment
Project Team