Seagrass Monitoring in Wuthathi Sea Country (Old ID 31147)

Wuthathi Aboriginal Corporation

Principal Investigator


Wuthathi land and sea country in far northern Cape York extends from Captain Billy landing south to Temple Bay and includes Shelburne Bay and Raine Island. JCU will work with Wuthathi rangers to continue to map coastal seagrass in Wuthathi and establish monitoring sites and methods. A range of techniques will be adopted, including airborne/spaceborne imagery (UAV drone and satellite) and transects for intertidal and shallow subtidal habitats and drop cameras in deeper subtidal waters. Wuthathi rangers will be trained in seagrass mapping and monitoring techniques to facilitate continued monitoring of seagrass habitats in Wuthathi sea country.


04 Oct 2023 - 31 Dec 2025

Project Type



Seagrass;Wuthathi;Great Barrier Reef;Cape York;Monitoring;Shelburne Bay

Funding Body

Wuthathi Aboriginal Corporation



Project Team

Lucas Langlois;Hayley Brien;Louise Johns;Len McKenzie