Development of a novel wound healing agent (Old ID 28948)
Principal Investigator
Ancient traditional medicines, while often not mechanistically well characterised, can be incredibly useful in directing the development of new therapeutics and treatments. Inspired by traditional remedies for wound healing, our Cairns based team (Daly, Widi, Wilson and Smout) has shown that two plant-derived glycosides can act synergistically to promote fibroblast cell proliferation. This in vitro bioactivity correlates strongly with potent in vivo activity in a mouse model of wound healing based on our previous studies with an unrelated parasite-derived peptide. Our research question is whether glycosides acting synergistically can be used in the design of a novel wound healing treatment, and we now aim to carry out in vivo studies on our plant-derived compounds to begin to answer this question.
01 Apr 2023 - 30 Mar 2024
Project Type
Wound healing;NMR spectroscopy;Chromatography;Plant extracts
Funding Body
Far North Queensland Hospital Foundation
Project Team
Antin Widi;David Wilson;Michael Smout