Understanding the experience of women in a tuberculosis hot spot in Solomon Islands to effectively find, treat and care for people with tuberculosis. (Old ID 28952)
Principal Investigator
• TB remains at unacceptable rates in East Kwaio, Malaita, Solomon Islands. There still are many more undiagnosed cases, or new cases, known to occur amongst people living in mountainous areas. • Women are central to the care of children and family members, including being responsible for growing food. They experience tuberculosis, and care of people with tuberculosis, differently to men and children because of these responsibilities. • Barriers to finding, testing and treating TB remain due to social and cultural challenges faced by women, health system exclusion and geographic isolation. The aim of this qualitative study is to explore and describe women's experience of tuberculosis in East Kwaio, Solomon Islands to determine how to effectively test, treat and support people with tuberculosis.
01 Nov 2022 - 15 Aug 2024
Project Type
Health Services Research;Solomon Islands;Tuberculosis;Gender
Funding Body
Australian Respiratory Council
Project Team
Karen Cheer;Peter Massey;David MacLaren