Evaluation of QAIHC Sexual Health and Wellbeing Project. (Old ID 27405)

Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council (QAIHC)

Principal Investigator


The overall goal of the QAIHC Sexual Health and Wellbeing Project is to improve Sexually transmissible infection (STI) and blood borne virus (BBVs) services in QAIHC Member Services and to work towards reducing the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander positive notifications. To help achieve this, support is provided for Member Services to implement models of care aimed to increase client engagement, education opportunities, as well as improve screening, notification and treatment rates. Tools, resources and support are provided to participant health services to implement sexual health and wellbeing activities that are culturally safe, led by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workers and tailored to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander model of care. The aim of this work is to evaluate the implementation, impact and outcomes of the QAIHC Sexual Health and Wellbeing Project.


22 Oct 2021 - 22 Jan 2023

Project Type



Sexual Health;Atsi Health;Quality improvement

Funding Body

Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council (QAIHC)



Project Team

Kris Vine;Alice Cairns;Nishila Moodley;Rebecca Evans;Shaun Solomon;Talah Laurie;Sarah Larkins