So like your Mum! Is the health and nutrition of mothers in far north Queensland reflected in the growth and nutrition of their children in early life? (Old ID 21713)
Principal Investigator
Factors in ‘the First Thousand Days’ from conception, through pregnancy and up to age 2 years, influence health through life. A mother’s health and nutrition, and early feeding of her baby ‘program’ for later health, predisposing to good health and development, or to early anaemia with associated developmental delay, or to increased susceptibility to chronic disease in adult life. This research will use linked routine health service data for approximately 5,400 mother and baby pairs, including about 970 babies of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander mothers, born over a two year period. The study will examine antenatal and early life factors in relation to child growth and early childhood anaemia.
01 Jan 2015 - 31 Aug 2017
Project Type
Nurtrition;Indigenous Health;Population Health
Funding Body
National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)
Project Team