Dating the collapse of the West Antarctic ice sheet using next generation sequencing of marine invertebrates (Old ID 23048)
Principal Investigator
This proposal applies a novel biological approach to address a key question for physical scientists. There is great uncertainty in predictions of future sea level rise and recent modelling suggests that forced displacement of over 180 million people this century is conceivable. Predicting the fate of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is central for accurate sea level predictions The complete collapse of the West Antarctic ice sheet would lead to the existence of a trans-Antarctic seaway linking the present day Ross, Weddell and Amundsen Seas. Such a seaway would allow marine animal migration across newly opened straights, and a persistent genetic signature of historical connectivity of such events will remain in bottom dwelling animals.
01 Dec 2016 - 30 Jun 2019
Project Type
Antarctica;Sea Level Rise
Funding Body
Australian Academy of Science
Project Team