Project 2.5: Evaluation of recreational fishing behaviour, use, values and motivations that relate to compliance. (Old ID 27771)

Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment

Principal Investigator


This project aims to inform the use of behavioural change interventions to support compliance of recreational fishers and boaters with regulations. It will deliver proof of concept tailoring of behaviour change to inform the practical design of interventions in case studies for further refinement, implementation and evaluation in subsequent research plans. The project will focus on recreational fishers and boaters in 2-3 case study locations, including the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park and within the newly designated Australian Marine Parks of Two Rocks Marine Park and Jurien Marine Park.


01 Jul 2022 - 31 Dec 2023

Project Type



Marketing communications;Behaviour Change;Environmental management;Cost effectiveness analysis;Impact Evaluation;Spatial Planning;Stewardship;Implementation of environmental management plans

Funding Body

Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment



Project Team

Diane Jarvis