Techno-Economic Analysis of Bio-Based Hydrogen Production in Gasifier-Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Systems: Exploring Dry Reforming Materials for Enhanced Performance and Cost Efficiency (Old ID 31187)

Department of Climate Change, Environment, Energy and Water (DCCEEW)

Principal Investigator


This fellowship, sponsored by the Australian Government (AUD 90,000), will support my research project "Techno-Economic Analysis of Bio-Based Hydrogen Production in Gasifier-Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Systems: Exploring Dry Reforming Materials for Enhanced Performance and Cost Efficiency." This initiative is hosted by Imperial College London, The University of Oxford, and the Henry Royce Institute in the UK. I intend to leverage this platform to foster collaborations with top-tier research groups, particularly in the realm of low-cost green hydrogen production. This aligns with James Cook University's aspirations to become a leading institute in delivering relevant research to industries operating in the Tropics.


15 May 2024 - 15 May 2025

Project Type



Hydrogen;Fuel Cell Materials;Techno-Economic Analysis

Funding Body

Department of Climate Change, Environment, Energy and Water (DCCEEW)



Project Team