Implementation of Quantified Neonatal Brain MRI at Term-Equivalent Age at Townsville University and Cairns Hospital for Infants at High Risk of Adverse Neurodevelopmental Outcomes (Old ID 27559)

Tropical Australian Academic Health Centre Limited

Principal Investigator


Infants born preterm, with low birth weight, or whom have a hypoxic event are at risk for developing adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes. Currently, the timing of MRI is variable at Townsville University and Cairns Hospital’s Neonatal Units, with the infant often being at an age for which anaesthesia is required to undergo an MRI. This project aims to enable neonatal MRI (at term-equivalent age) for infants identified as high risk based, which is safer, less costly, and provides additional information for early personalized treatment plans in comparison to a later MRI (>4 months) - similar to the changes at Royal Brisbane Women’s Hospital.


01 Jan 2022 - 29 Mar 2027

Project Type



Neonatal MRI;Preterm;Quantitative;scoring

Funding Body

Tropical Australian Academic Health Centre Limited



Project Team

Ian Wright