Research on First Nations perspectives on ecosystem accounting in the ‘Ecosystem Accounting Pilots for Agricultural and Mixed-Use Landscapes’ project (Old ID 27834)

Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment

Principal Investigator


Through engagement with First Nations Australians from Flinders, Norman and Gilbert River catchment study area, the project seeks to co-design workshops/meetings, ensuring that the outcomes of the conversations flow as benefits to First Nations Australians and inform the Federal Government’s Regional Ecosystem Accounting Pilot (REAP) project. The project will explore perceptions of ecosystem change in mixed use landscapes, exploring the drivers of change and what changes have been observed recently; facilitate the development of one or more ecosystem conceptual models as representation of First Nations understanding of local ecosystems; and provide graphical representations of the First Nations co-designed ecosystem model(s).


03 Aug 2022 - 30 Jun 2023

Project Type



Ecosystem accounting;Environmental economic accounting;First Nations values;Ecosystem Services;Ecosystem models;Ecosystem condition

Funding Body

Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment



Project Team

Daniel Grainger