Seismic Interpretation of NE QLD (Old ID 28938)
Principal Investigator
This project will update the interpretation of deep seismic lines across NE QLD, from Georgetown to Thomson and Hodkinson provinces. Work carried out at JCU with regard to tectonic models of the development of the eastern margin of the north Australian craton and new processing techniques should allow a better understanding of the fundamental geological and tectonic structure of NE Queensland. Understanding of the large scale distribution of geological provinces in 3 dimensions will underpin other works in the region such as geological mapping and lead to better understanding of mineral systems which include significant potential for critical minerals.
15 Mar 2023 - 15 Dec 2023
Project Type
Deep seismic lines;North Australian craton;Seismic interpretation;Geological provinces;Tectonic provinces;Georgetown inlier
Funding Body
Department of the Environment and Energy
Project Team
Melanie Finch;Lauren Waszek