Piloting a continuous quality improvement framework to strengthen quality of care in Aboriginal residential aged care (Old ID 27413)

Tropical Australian Academic Health Centre Limited

Principal Investigator


This study responds to concerns raised in The Royal Commission report, 2021 that the Australian aged care system struggles to effectively manage people with complex care needs. Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) is a method designed to improve the capacity and readiness of health services/staff to meet pre-determined goals/standards, and the quality of treatment and care, and implement health interventions. This project aims to assess the suitability of the CQI model for improving the quality of care in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Residential Aged Care Facilities (RACF) by developing and implementing a CQI framework for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander RACF.


02 Nov 2021 - 31 Dec 2024

Project Type



Ageing;Aged Care;Health Services;Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islanders

Funding Body

Tropical Australian Academic Health Centre Limited



Project Team

Rachel Quigley;Edward Strivens;Sarah Russell;Yvonne Cadet-James