Critical Factors for Self-Sustaining Farmer Organisations in Northern Laos (Old ID 21940)

Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research

Principal Investigator


The overall aim of this project is to identify key operational arrangements for farmer organisations (FOs) that satisfy the needs of members and enable them to make independent and effective plans while interacting with other stakeholders. This aim will be pursued through two objectives: The first focused on supporting FOs develop capacity to analyse and respond to market opportunities; and the second to build service provider (eg provincial and district agriculture and forestry officers) understanding how best to support Fos and to develop tools to assist with their service provision. The specific geographical focus will be Xieng Khouang province in northern Laos. Supporting Fos in identifying farmer needs and fulfilling collective functions promises to improve farmer livelihoods in a rapidly-evolving market and policy context.


01 Feb 2015 - 31 Aug 2016

Project Type



farmer organisations;organisation development;Agricultural Extension;Participatory Action Research;International Development;Laos

Funding Body

Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research



Project Team

Michael Jones;John Connell