WTMIP Johnstone Catchment Bioreactor Site-01 Piezo Survey (Old ID 26554)

FNQ NRM Ltd (Terrain Natural Resource Management)

Principal Investigator


In the Wet Tropics Major Integrated Project (WTMIP), bioreactor 'walls' are being trialled for their ability to remove nitrate from shallow groundwater leaving sugarcane fields. Bioreactor walls consist of a woodchip-filled trench, approximately 20m long x 2m deep x 0.6m wide, perpendicular to groundwater flow direction. To determine their effectiveness, the removal of nitrate from water flowing through them must be measured. That involves continuous measurements of water table height and nitrate concentration in piezometers (shallow wells) around the bioreactor, and one-off a) measurements of hydraulic conductivity and b) accurate survey of piezometer locations (ie. this project).


17 Jun 2019 - 05 Jul 2019

Project Type



Water Quality;Nitrate;bioreactor;Groundwater;Sugarcane;Hydrology

Funding Body

FNQ NRM Ltd (Terrain Natural Resource Management)



Project Team

Shannon Todd;Alex Cheesman