Improving technical and institutional capacity to support development of mariculture based livelihoods and industry in New Ireland, Papua New Guinea (Old ID 23279)

Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research

Principal Investigator


The overall aim of this project is to provide a sustainable basis for the further development of a mariculture sector in PNG and to further build capacity within country partner organisations and coastal communities to support this development. Specific research objectives are: * to further develop culture and husbandry protocols for target species; * to develop community-based sea cucumber culture methodology to a level potentially supporting income generation; and * to continue building long term institutional mariculture capacity in PNG. Given the significant community benefits expected from this project, detailed economic and socio-economic assessments will be undertaken to describe project impacts.


01 Jan 2016 - 31 Dec 2019

Project Type



Mariculture;Sea Cucumber;Fishery management;marine tenure;Economic Development;benefit distribution

Funding Body

Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research



Project Team

Cathy Hair