Population Health Planning for Rural Medicare Locals: evaluating a community participation method for delivering outcomes (Old ID 21197)
Principal Investigator
The study, in six communities, will evaluate whether an evidenced based method of rural community participation from the UK translates to assist healthcare planning by Medicare Locals. Medicare Locals must involve local people in designing services to improve health, but lack methods to do this. The focus of the study is oral health, a major issue in rural areas. The study evaluates whether new services are designed and implemented and whether there is a change to health knowledge and behaviours.
01 Jan 2013 - 31 Aug 2018
Project Type
primary care;health planning;consumer participation;Rural Health;Oral Health;Priority Setting;access to dental care;Workforce Policy;Evaluation Studies
Funding Body
National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)
Project Team
Felicity Croker;Jacinta Elston;Tracy Cheffins;Judy Taylor