Synthesis Project - Kakadu Cultural Connections (Old ID 26610)

Department of the Environment and Energy

Principal Investigator


The national land account project, within the Department of Environment and Energy is developing an Experimental Ecosystem Accounting (EEA) system, strongly guided by the UN System of Environmental Economic Accounts (SEEA). This project will explore options and make recommendations for acknowledging and possibly including Indigenous cultural connections within that ecosystem accounting framework. It may be possible to generate some monetary estimates of value, but the explorations may instead conclude that Indigenous cultural connections should be considered alongside, rather than as a subset, of other ecosystem services (much as the government compiles tourism satellite accounts that are published alongside the national accounts).


01 Sep 2019 - 30 Sep 2021

Project Type



Indigenous cultural connections-country;system of environmental economic a/c;ecosystem services accounting;non-mnarket valuations;Cultural Ecosystem Services;indigenous cultural values

Funding Body

Department of the Environment and Energy



Project Team

Daniel Grainger;Natalie Stoeckl