Monitoring the distribution and abundance of dugongs (and in-water, large marine turtles) within the GBRWHA using a combined aerial observer and imagery approach (Old ID 27811)
Principal Investigator
This project aims to: (1) to monitor the trends in the abundance and distribution of dugongs within the GBRWHA and (2) contribute to the transition to the use of novel imagery survey technologies to enhance survey methods and accuracy in abundance estimates. The project will be conducted in five main stages which will include: the development of a Traditional Owners engagement strategy and the drafting and submitting regulatory permit applications (stage 1), the development of the survey design and data collection protocols and undertake observer training (stage 2), conduct the dugong observer surveys and imagery experimental work within the GBRWHA (stage 3) and the production of a final report including summary of all survey report findings and advice about the implications of the findings for the conservation and management of dugongs and large marine turtles within the GBRWHA (stage 4).
20 Sep 2022 - 31 Dec 2025
Project Type
Dugong (Dugong dugon);Aerial surveys;Conservation and management;Aerial imagery;Indigenous engagement
Funding Body
Great Barrier Reef Foundation
Project Team
Melanie Hamel;Luisa Schramm;Helene Marsh