Implementation of the Crown of Thorn Starfish research strategy: regional strategies (Old ID 23135)
Principal Investigator
Crown-of-Thorns starfish (COTS) management requires decisions be made about where to invest control effort in order to achieve regional scale objectives, e.g. to modify COTRS spread or to facilitate coral recovery. However, no objective basis for choosing sites exists, beyond their economic importance, meaning that achieving these important goals is largely left to chance. This project will leverage past and current research to develop a decision support framework to assist in prioritizing reefs for control and for assessing alternative strategies by integrating the full range of ecological and management information available. Field and desktop research will also be conducted to fill critical knowledge gaps and to assess the prospects of new control technologies.
01 Jan 2017 - 10 Jun 2020
Project Type
Acanthaster;Great Barrier Reef;Integrated Pest Management;Tagging;Movement;Field surveys
Funding Body
Department of the Environment and Energy
Project Team
Rob Beaman