Ecological Impact of Antibiotic Resistance Released from the Cleveland Bay Purification Plant using Marine Turtle Species (Old ID 26730)

Townsville City Council

Principal Investigator


Cleveland Bay is a grazing ground for turtle species. Cleveland Bay Purification plant (CBPP) treats waste that may contain a variety of antibiotics. This study aims to determine the prevalence and distribution patterns of antibiotic resistant genes in the CBPP effluent and in the immediate receiving environment. Marine turtles in Cleveland Bay will be used to determine the localized impacts of both antibiotics and antibiotic resistant genes as compared to resident turtles from a pristine environment. This study will provide valuable insight into the direct effect that antibiotics and ARG’s in WWTP effluent have on ecological health and ecological risk.


31 Jan 2020 - 31 Dec 2025

Project Type



Anitbiotics;Turtle;Risk Assessment;Antibiotic Resistant Genes;Wastewater Treatment;Microbiota

Funding Body

Townsville City Council



Project Team

Robert Kinobe;Roger Huerlimann;Ellen Ariel;Kezia Drane