Crown-of-thorns starfish control innovation program – Feasibility and Design Phase (Phase 1) (Old ID 27217)
Principal Investigator
Recognising that manual control of COTS during outbreaks is not, on its own, an ideal long-term solution, new efforts were launched in 2016 to develop an Integrated Pest Management approach for COTS (as part of the National Environmental Science Program), led by CSIRO and involving numerous partners. This approach relies on understanding COTS distribution, movement and population dynamics, targeting critical locations and exploring new and more effective control methods. This involves both improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the current methods while also focusing efforts to better understand and manage the pre-conditioning and initiation of outbreaks. A Feasibility and Design Phase (Phase 1) is focused on assessing the feasibility (technical, social and regulatory) and modelling the benefit (impact) at scale of a broad range of possible improvements and interventions. Applying a transparent and consistent scientific framework, this Phase will lead to recommendations on priority areas that should be further investigated and developed
01 Oct 2020 - 30 Jun 2021
Project Type
Coral Reef;acanthaster spp;Management;Disturbance;Monitoring
Funding Body
Great Barrier Reef Foundation
Project Team
Carla Ewels;Stewart Lockie;Ciemon Caballes;Damien Burrows