Precision medicine for North Queensland Liver Cancer Patients. (Old ID 27477)

Tropical Australian Academic Health Centre Limited

Principal Investigator


Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is an aggressive and poorly treated liver cancer that is rapidly increasing in incidence in North Queensland. Most patients are ineligible to have their cancer surgically removed, and new systemic therapeutics only extend patient lives by six to eight months. Thus, new treatment approaches are urgently required. Through the collaboration of surgeons, scientists and bioinformaticians we are developing Precision Medicine for North Queensland Liver Cancer Patients. Using bioinformatics and three dimensional culture models we will trial novel therapeutic approaches. This research will rapidly lead to new therapeutic approaches to treat HCC.


01 Jan 2022 - 28 Feb 2025

Project Type



Cancer;Cancer Stem Cell;Organoids

Funding Body

Tropical Australian Academic Health Centre Limited



Project Team

Craig McFarlane;Matt Field