Climate Vulnerability Index - YBM (Old ID 27435)

Yuku Baja Muliku Landowner & Reserves Ltd

Principal Investigator


Climate change poses an existential threat to global heritage. With rising sea-levels, more extreme weather events and aridification, the extensive impacts of climate are evident at heritage sites globally and the pace of this change is startling. In most parts of the world the rate of loss is exceeding adaptive capacity and this deficit is only getting worse. Decisions on conservation and preservation begin with a detailed understanding of a place's vulnerability. The choices made will directly impact that ability to effectively integrate the goals of safeguarding heritage, adapting and mitigating climate change, and driving sustainable development. This project will apply the Climate Vulnerability Index process to initiate assessment of the vulnerability of the land and sea country of the Yuku Baja Muliku (YBM) people. There is an urgent need to assess climate vulnerability using community-based methodologies to inform actions taken by decision makers.


01 Jul 2021 - 30 Nov 2021

Project Type



Land and sea country;Climate change;Climate Vulnerability

Funding Body

Yuku Baja Muliku Landowner & Reserves Ltd



Project Team