Gold Mineralisation Styles in the Alice River Gold Field, FNQ (Old ID 23601)

Spitfire Materials Ltd

Principal Investigator


The deposits along Alice River, including the Alice Queen mine are aligned along a lineament, interpreted as the Alice River Shear zone. The GSQ (Geological Survey of Queensland), in a recently completed study of the geology of Cape York Peninsula has interpreted the deposits as orogenic gold deposits based on outcrop patterns and limited field data. In spite of this interpretation, the age, mineral association, associated intrusives and structural styles of the deposits remains unknown and they have not been studied in details. Spitfire Materials is interested to know the age and style of mineralisation as this will assist future exploration.


01 Aug 2017 - 31 Mar 2018

Project Type



Alice River;Gold;Mineralisation

Funding Body

Spitfire Materials Ltd



Project Team

Renee Bensemann;Ioan Sanislav