Smallholder farmer decision-making and technology adoption in southern Laos: opportunities and constraints (Old ID 22327)

Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research

Principal Investigator


This project aims to research the gap between aspirations and reality with respect to technology adoption impacts and thence improve smallholder livelihoods. The project will review the drivers and constraints influencing smallholder farmers’ decisions to adopt proven technologies and management systems to improve farm productivity. It will analyse the influence on farming decisions of complex interactions between economics, politics, technology and the biological environment with ethnicity, local social traditions, personal motivation and leadership. Opportunities to enhance the livelihood of smallholder farmers through technology adoption will be identified and the role of stakeholder networks explored.


01 Jan 2016 - 30 Jun 2020

Project Type



Farmer decision-making;Technology adoption;International Development;Bayesian Network Analysis;Participatory Action Research;Laos

Funding Body

Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research



Project Team

Silva Larson;Kim Alexander;Garry Greenhalgh;John Connell